Grounding? Higher States of Consciousness and Energy and Increased Rate of Healing
Have you thought about Grounding?
With more people turning to meditation and energetic medicine, to de-stress, stay energetically balanced in mind-body and spirt, staying in the flow of our fast paced environment, it is really beneficial to consider spending some time grounding.
For any technique or technology to be ultimately effective it must be integrated by and embodied within your Bio Energetic Field, your cells and tissues. Indeed your nervous system, muscles, tissues, organs and glands must accept and integrate the biological upgrade for you to walk around in life with it. If not integrated, not only will you not receive the full effects of the treatment or meditation, the ungrounded state is likely to leave you feeling spacey, expansive but also a bit high and uncoordinated (like drinking one to many alcoholic drinks) This results in not being fully integrated in your body. When ungrounded one can liken the experience to being a buoy floating on top of the water with no anchor. We believe ungrounded experience makes it more difficult to stay empowered and you may find your mind pulled in a different direction. Through discussions with practice members and other practitioners, it is very important to ground your energy before leaving an energetic session or a meditation and operating a motor vehicle.
Below are 7 favorite ways to Ground and Embody:
- Running, Walking or standing barefoot on the Beach in the Sand feeling the sand and visualize until you can feel Central Channel Breath (CCB) as taught in the Energy Codes®
- Taking a cold shower or bath seems to have an immediate effect of constriction of the blood vessels and muscles, activation of the nervous system and grounding the energy in the human system – ask Wim Hof
- Barefoot or Socks only at home or in your office space, connect to the energy below your feet
- Grounding Bio-Mat or pad (like those advertised by Jen with JEnergy)
- Grounding Shoes – footwear great in nature, I own a pair by Harmony 783 hiking shoes
- Eat grounding foods, meat, meatloaf or a heavier meal can be a ballast for the digestive organs to assimilate.
- Body Awake® Yoga (with slower breathwork)
- Lifting Heavy Weights and breathing through the CCB from below your feet to above your head
Some of the techniques we use at Live Your B.E.S.T. and other ones experienced, that we recommend grounding after..
*B.E.S.T. (Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique – which is an embodiment technique) – @ Live Your B.E.S.T. , *T.E.P. (The Emergence Process) – @ Live Your B.E.S.T., Guided Meditations – Dr. Joe Dispenza (Encephalon) and Dr. Sue Morter (Morter Institute – offers a free meditation) have some favorites Reiki, Network Spinal Analysis, Kundalini Yoga/Sound Baths.
Perhaps the biggest reason to ground is it restores the natural flow of electrons thru the body, rubber soled shoes and synthetic materials tend to insulate thus blocking the free flow of electrons to the largest free flowing electron source, the earth. People who have edema in the lower extremities, chronic inflammation, slow wound healing might try grounding. As this 2015 article indicates, grounding can be a big help to the immune system in healing and angio genesis as well as pain reduction. “Grounding reduces pain and alters the numbers of circulating neutrophils and lymphocytes, and also affects various circulating chemical factors related to inflammation.” (From “The effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.” – Journal of Inflammation Research)
(Click here for the full PDF article)